Erling Siebesma

Head of Retail Funding



Erling Siebesma is head of Retail Funding at Fastned. During his education he started working at ABN AMRO Bank N.V. in 1998. Learning on the job and finishing his education in the evening, he started his career in Private Banking at ABN AMRO MeesPierson in 2005. In 2011 he started raising venture capital for Private Equity investments within small and mid sized enterprises in the Netherlands (MKB)...

Erling Siebesma wordt gevolgd door Helmut Van Bogaert
10 mei 2016 19:29
Erling Siebesma volgt nu Bart Lubbers
16 april 2016 11:59
Erling Siebesma heeft een functie toegevoegd
16 april 2016 11:52

Head of Retail Funding bij Fastned B.V.

Erling Siebesma volgt nu Fastned
16 april 2016 11:47
Erling Siebesma heeft zijn profiel gewijzigd
16 april 2016 11:44